Monday, April 19, 2010

Malaria Monday's

So today I find myself in Kabul Afghanistan. 4 years ago I would have never thought that I would be here or in this situation. I must say though I am pretty lucky to be in the Air Force it seems as if we get more privelages than other branches but that may just be my perception. Only 173 days left and I keep counting down. The streets here are filled with filth and deception. Anything you can think of there is alnmost a black market here for it. Fake rolexes, fake nike jordans, pirated movies, and the list goes on and on. Some of the stuff is really good replicas it seems like the Afghans are a pro at replication and will sale anything to the highest bidder. One of the guys in my career field works casualties and he said that there was a suicide bomber today and that he was part of the Afghan Army. Looks like we are still training them to kill us. I don't want to discriminate but I can't trust any of them. Im just lucky to be at the base I am at. The only problem here seems to be sniper fire. The base here is surrounded by mountains and we can see Afghans staring at us from up above. They put up a net in the air and they call it sniper wire but I dont really think it will stop a bullet. At least it is better than the last base I was at. That place didn't even have a place for us to sleep really. We had a tent that had a bunk beds in it but there were no matresses or covers. Some of the guys were going through the trash cans to find things to keep warm with and that base is constantly being attacked. Today is malaria Monday i take the malaria pill again. Those pills give me crazy dreams but usually on the night I take them however, I have found myself waking up while I was acting out my dream. Last Monday when I took the malaria pill I had a dream that plates were falling off of a table in reality I reached out to grab something but in actuality I was dreaming. Some of the guys say they refuse to take them because it makes them do crazy stuff to but the way I see it better safe than sorry. I probably have 30 people in the tent I am staying in and all of them have a rifle and live ammo I just hope no one tries to act out anything in there sleep.